Wren HouseNatural Transitions

June is a month of transitions. It’s even official. With the summer solstice on June 20, the transition from spring to summer will be certified, at least according to the calendar.

In the early part of the month, the dawn chorus of bird song is so loud as to wake you up, but it will no longer disturb your slumber as July approaches.

At night, lightening bugs increasingly brighten the darkness as the month progresses and the din of mosquitoes and squabbling juvenile raccoons will become almost inescapable.

Lakes and ponds continue to recede in stature and take on a blush of green as algae, duckweed and other wetland plants cover their surface.

The birds in your yard are making transitions, too. Nesting is in full swing early in the month and not so much by the end. As the weeks go by, more and more young birds make appearances at your feeders as they harass their parents for an easy meal.

The question of, “where are all of my hummingbirds” is finally answered as a new crop of youngsters leave the nest and descend on the feeders.

Even the birds’ appearance starts to change. As the molting season begins to take hold, their once brilliant, well-groomed breeding plumage gives way to a messy, disheveled look.

Be sure keep your eyes and ears open during this month of transition, and visit us for the expert advice and quality hobby products you will need to weather all of the changes.