Feeder Brush

Clean Your Feeders Before Refilling!

Generally, all you need is warm water and some sort of feeder brush that will allow you to scrub the inside. Rinse and dry thoroughly before you refill. If the feeder has any mold in it, or you have noticed sick birds around the feeder, consider cleaning the feeder with a solution of 1 part bleach to 10 parts water. Rinse thoroughly and dry. Check out our line of Wild Birds Unlimited BirdCare brushes.

And remember, never add fresh seed on top of old seed!

Here are some guidelines to follow when caring for your wooden feeders, copper feeders, or tube feeders.

Wooden Feeder Care
Wooden feeders will naturally fade over the years. It is not necessary to treat wood feeders with any products; however, if you wish to maintain the appearance of your feeder, you can follow these simple directions.

Redwood or Cedar Feeders:
These types of wood are widely used for outside use because of their excellent weathering properties that are naturally found in the wood as it grows. Under normal conditions this wood remains functional for many years without any maintenance. However, it will fade in color as it weathers. If you would like to maintain the attractiveness of the wood, you can give it a coat of wood sealer or linseed oil every few years. It is important to apply water-soluble stain or wood sealer to the outside area of the feeder only. Never apply directly to the eating surface of the bird feeder.

Pine Feeders:
Pine feeders weather nicely but will fade with time. Apply linseed oil or a water soluble stain every few years as needed, if desired.

Copper Information & Care:
Copper adds warmth and color that cannot be duplicated by any other type of metal. It has the advantage of being highly corrosion resistant. Copper discolors rapidly to a pale green if nothing is done to preserve the color. To restore the brilliant luster of your copper feeder you will need to follow these steps: Polish the copper with a copper cleaner/varnish. Seal the copper with a clear lacquer.

Tube Feeders
Wild Birds Unlimited tube feeders are designed with armored feeding stations and have a seed deflector that ensures all seed is eaten and does not sit at the bottom of the feeder. Wild Birds Unlimited seed tube feeders are made of clear polycarbonate plastic with a lifetime guarantee.

To clean seed tube and finch feeders, simply use a brush and warm water. If mold or debris is present, use a solution of ten parts water to one part bleach, rinse well, dry and refill with fresh seed. Cleaning your feeders will help them look better longer, and it decreases the possibility of spreading sickness and disease among your birds.